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Snow! Blue sky, sparkling snow and amazing views...Let's take some pictures now!

It is a bit chilly out but so beautiful! Colors are bright and vibrant, blues are intense, water glistens, snow sparkles, green pine trees bristle, the bit of golden grass glows! Such an amazing time for family photos in this lush landscape!

Bundle up a little, take your mittens off at the last minute, or leave them on, mittens and scarves just add more color to the moment of cold, clear, icy beauty!

I am excited, this is new to me, and awesome! I recently arrived here from the warm climate of Hawaii and the hot, hot sunshine. It is a little more effort to get outside in the mountains on a chilly day, but so worth it! This is such an breathtaking change! I am so happy to get out and enjoy this incredible scenery!

Right now portrait services are half my usual price, an introductory special to get to know my new town, my new neighbors and to experience all these vibrant colors and beauty!

The new adventure is amazing, a little surprising, a bit of an adjustment, but to breath Tahoe's pure air and to experience this environment, pure joy!

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